Saturday 18 June 2011

Spring into Summer Readathon Day 2 Update Post

Update 2 (officially number 8)
This is my 2nd update for today, but the 8th in the readathon.

If you had bookshelves FULL of all of your favorite books, how would you organize them?
Now this is really a question that I need to consider, since I have so many books and need to sort them out. When I say so many books, I have my own, my dads, my moms and even some of my grandparents! They are in bookshelves and boxes all over. I really need to go through them.
Most likely I would organise them alphabetically by authors name, since it makes them so easy to find. It is one of the reasons that I hate the main library near me, since it is so huge that often books are put back incorrectly and you can never find anything. I would put series together, but otherwise strictly alphabetically. But now here comes the problem! I really love the look of a row of books all of the same size. I dont like the higgledy piggledy look of all different sizes together. Whenever I have organised my daughters bookshelf (which I have to do fairly regularly) this is my main bugbear. So, I would probably have it alphabetically but bigger books in a shelf on their own.
Whew, that was a bit of a novel wasn't it?

Total books read: 3 and a half
Total pages read: 1103
Books read since last update: 1 (Beach Road by James Patterson)
Pages Read since last update: 232
Total time read: 1017 minutes (16hrs 57 min)
How am I feeling: Actually I am quite tired at the moment, so I have stopped for a bit of a break, to eat and rest my eyes a bit. I may have a little nap later, but hope to read right through now. My daughter is home, so she has been reading with me for the last couple of hours.

Books finished since start of readathon:
1. Absolution by Caro Ramsey
2. The Two Towers by J.R.R Tolkien
3. The secret Island by Enid Blyton
4. Beach Road by James Patterson

Update1 (officially update 6)
24 hours into the readathon and I am doing relatively well, I think anyway. I had a bit of a nap at lunchtime but apart from that and making and eating lunch I have read for most of the day. I have also just found out that my daughter is going to play squash with her friend and will get dropped off, so I dont need to go out at all and can just continue reading.
Total books read: 2 complete books, (Absolution, The secret Island), and a half (finished The Two Towers)
Total pages read: 871
Books read since last update: 1 and a half
Pages read since last update: 313
Total time: 840minutes (14 hours)
How am I feeling: Actually quite good, enjoying the book I am reading at the moment, about to get some coffee. I just want to say that this time I have had much less snacks etc since the last readathon and I actually seem to have managed better!

Was to pair two characters from different series.

When I saw this I was immediately reminded two of my favourite male characters of all time (Jamie Fraser from the Outlander series is the third)
I personally think that al Lan Mandrogaron from The Wheel of Time Series and Aragorn/Striker from Lord of The Rings would make an awesome team. They have always struck me as similar characters, both strong, silent type, loyal and will do anything to do what they need to do. They definitely would kick some *ss if together.


Julie said...

You are getting some serious reading done! Go, girlfriend! I totally love your character pairing!

Saba said...

Wow great job getting through your books! I'm still on my first but hope to at least complete one before the read-a-thon is over!

Anonymous said...

Wow, good luck with all those books! It takes so long to organize them!

Enjoy your reading!