Thursday 16 August 2012

Reading candy

The challenge over at Booksmartie this evening is to talk about your reading snacks. Well, this is actually a trick question for me, lol. Since going to the dietician at the beginning of the year in an effort to lose weight, I have totally banned snacks except for a very select few! To be honest, I havent really missed them excepting for twice ...... firstly during the time I was writing exams and then during the 24hr READATHON.
So, in honour of what I am missing, here are my ideal snacks

Willards Flings, which are a kind of chip, a bit like cheese puffs although they are a more savoury flavour. I think they are supposed to be chicken flavour, but not sure really, lol. Whatever they are, I love them!

Chocolate and candy all in one! I love Smarties!

Hot chocolate, yummy
Pizza med gorgonzola, spinat og bacon, March 2010.jpg
Pizza - stems from my time living in the nurses home during my training. Every few weeks either my reading partner, Judy or I, or sometimes both, would catch the bus into town with a huge pile of books for the book exchange. We would change our books and then stop off for a pizza and coke on the way home, and then sit and read and eat pizza and drink coke all night! Perfect.

Unfortunately at the moment my reading snacks consist of

Nutri rusks

Cheese triangles


Now, all of these are fine on their own, but they dont really compare to what I would rather be eating lol!
Pop over here if you would like to join in.

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