Wednesday 2 November 2011

Bout of books readathon wrap up post

For some reason this wont let me post a picture tonight, grrr!
Anyway, here is my very belated wrap up post for bout of books! I have been so busy since Monday I havent had a chance to come on.
I felt like I totally failed at this readathon, since I hardly read that much and I didnt update much. I did however, regularly check peoples tweets! Having said that I actually met my goal and managed to read two books, so that was a bonus. The books I read were:
Cracks by Sheila Kohler
The return of the king by J.R.R Tolkien. I also read about 50 pages of THe lost city of Z, but taking a break from that since I didnt really get into it.
I really enjoyed the readathon and am looking forward to the next one!


Amanda @ On a Book Bender said...

I think this readathon was tough for a lot of people with the timing of Halloween and just otherwise being busy. Don't worry about it too much! :)

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Your comment on Julia's blog got me interested, so I went online and found this -

There was a book from 1969 called "Simon in the Land of Chalk Drawings" by Edward McLachlan (ISBN 0695880071). Used copies are pretty expensive, but are available:…

Also, I discovered that a new DVD came out in 2006 from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation called "Simon in the Land of Chalk Drawings: The Little Tornado" and has these episodes: Calendar chaos -- The lonely snake -- The little tornado -- Simon and the snowman -- The tac toe-- The carnival-- The magician -- Mask-erade. I'm trying to see if this is available for order anywhere -- it is in PAL format, though, not the NTSC needed for those in the US. ***HERE is where you can order it, if you are so inclined:… Remember, you'll probably have to have it converted to NTSC format (you can find freeware online to do this), but it MAY play on a DVD-ROM player on your computer without having to be converted. Also, some sellers on ebay have this, too:…

Morti said...

LOL - Maggie and I are obviously on a mission - the children's programme was also called Simon in the Land of Chalk Drawings, and the song was "Well you know my name is Simon,
and the things I draw come true,
Oh the pictures take me, take me over,
Climb the ladder with you".

I loved it - I'm sure there are some vids on YouTube!