Friday 5 August 2011

Once upon a chapter Sizzling summer readathon

I have just seen this and signed up, or I hope I have signed up. My internet doesnt seem to let me want to comment at the moment! I may even have signed up 5 times, lol.Since Brenda will be going to my sisters house tomorrow and only coming back on Tuesday I thought it was the perfect weekend!
I will be starting with:
Tell it to the skies by Erica James

I hope to read: 2 books (do have a bit of other things to do)

Books I hope to read:
Tell it to the skies
Starting The Return of the King

Otherwise, I am drowing in my TBR pile, so have a lot to keep me going.


Total Books Read: N/A
Total Pages Read: N/A
Books Read Since Last Update: N/A
Pages Read since Last update: N/A
Total time read: N/A
How I'm currently feeling: Reading to start reading!
Currently munching/sipping: About to have my supper and then will start reading.


Lisa Jo said...

Hey! Thanks for joining us!

I'm going for five books. It may be difficult for me too, but hey, it's all about testing our limits, right? :-D

Good luck and happy reading!

Lisa Jo @ Once Upon A Chapter

Anonymous said...

I love Erica James' books (haven't read this one, though). Have fun reading - my kids are also away at the moment - nice and quiet.