Monday, 23 July 2012

High smmer readathon wrap up post

Well, the readathon is over and although I did read the two books I wanted to, I would have preferred to read a bit more!

At my last update I stood as follows:
#pages read since start: 375

#books finished from start: 1 (The fires of Heaven)

I didnt get much chance to update over the weekend and very little chance to read :-(

What I read over the weekend:
#pages read: 192 (46 The winter ghosts, 146 The Red breasts)
#books finished: 1 (The winter ghosts)

So, that brings my total to:
#pages read in total: 567
#books finished in total: 2

All in all, I enjoyed the readathon, it was just a bad week for me! I hope everyone else managed to achieve what they wanted to.

Monday, 16 July 2012

High summer readathon

I signed up for this readathon a few weeks ago. Unfortunately what I didn't realise at the time was that I would have a portfolio due next week, so I wont have as much time to read as I would like. However, I am 10 books behind on my goodreads challenge, so in an effort to catch up I will do what I can.
I don't really have any major goals, I would like to finish the two books I am currently reading (The fires of heaven by Robert Jordan and The winter ghosts by Kate Mosse) and maybe 1 other.
So, for a week of reading fun hop over to Michelle's blog, and join in. You can sign up at anytime until Friday.

Day 1 update:
#pages read: 51
#books finished: 0
I didnt have too much time today to read, so only managed 50 pages! Hope tomorrow is better.

Day 2 update:
Going from bad to worse, oh dear.
#pages read: 36
#books finished: 0
#pages read from start: 87

Day 3 update
Slowly things are looking up!
#pages read: 83
#books finished: 1 (The fires of Heaven by Robert Jordan.
#pages read from start: 170

Day 4 update
#pages read: 81 (The Winter ghosts by Kate Mosse)
#books finished today: 0
#pages read since since: 251
#books finished from start: 1 (The fires of Heaven)
I am glad this week is over so that I can read some more.

Day 5
#pages read: 124 (The winter ghosts)
#books finished today: 0
#pages read since start: 375
#books finished from start: 1 (The fires of Heaven)