Monday, 29 August 2011

Bout of books readathon wrap up post

I didnt get to post last night, so here is a wrap up post.

Books finished during the readathon: 2 (Fat Tuesday and Ant in my sugar)
Other books read: Duncton Found 300 pages

All in all, I am pretty happy with what I achieved, considering the fact that it was an exam/prac week.

Friday, 26 August 2011

Bout of books readathon day 2-5

Sadly, all my good intentions came to naught! I was just so busy with my course that I didnt get a chance to post. I have however, been reading! So this is in fact an update post from Tuesday.
Books read today: 0.2
Books read so far: 1 + 0.2
Completed: Fat Tuesday by Sandra Brown
#insixwords Thank goodness I can now read!

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Bout of books readathon Day 1

Just realised while I am sitting outside UNISA that I forgot to add an update last night. Thank goodness for modern technology and my phone!
I didn't get to read much at all yesterday, but I didn't really expect to.
Books read yesterday: 106 pages of Fat Tuesday by Sandra Brown.
#insixwords sadly not much chance to read

I hope to get a bit more time today, but won't hold my breath.
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Sunday, 21 August 2011

Bout of Books Readathon

Ok, I am becoming quite the readathon addict these days! I recently came across this one and since I have had such  a busy time lately with university work, a lot of which will come to an end this week, I decided that this is just the reward I need. It starts tomorrow and ends on the 28th, so a nice long time.get

How much time I intend to read?
Now, I probably won't get that much time to read during the week, but plan to spend most of next weekend reading. As a result, my goals are going to be set quite low!

Due to the above my goal is only to finish Duncton Found which I am about  a third of the way through and read one other book. I have about 13 books on my to be read pile, so I wont have any shortage of books! Will decide what to read based on how exhausted I am feeling by the end of the week!

There are also going to be some challenges, prizes and lots of fun, so pop over to On a book bender for more information.

Monday, 8 August 2011

It's Monday what are you reading?

This meme is where we share what we have been reading and what we are going to read. I have been busy and sick with flu for the last few weeks, but hopefully will be back for a while now.
Last week I read 3 books:
Tell It To The Skies
Tell it to the skies by Erica James tells the story of  Lydia who is sent to live with her grandparents after her parents die. Neither of her grandparents really want her there and she has a miserable childhood, only made better by the presence of her best friend Noah. Unfortunately when she is 18 tragedy strikes and she flees to Italy. We start the story with her step-daughter having met Noah's son which makes Erica go back over what she experienced as a child. I enjoyed this book a lot and would really recommend it, the only thing I have against it is that there were two many convenient tie-ups. But still it was a good book.
Sandstorm (A Sigma Force Novel)
I thoroughly enjoyed this book from start to finish. It has all my favourite aspects - action, a bit of romance, intrigue, lots of historical detail. In the Dan Brown genre, but a lot more action involved!

Lastly, what I am reading at the moment:
Duncton Found (The Duncton Chronicles)

I absolutely love the Duncton Chronicles, this is my third or fourth time reading the series. It tells the story of a community of moles, and although I thought I wouldnt enjoy it I have been hooked for years! Think The wind in the willows on a huge scale. I only started this last night, so havent got very far.

For more inspiration pop over to Sheilah's blog, link on the picture.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Sizzling summer readathon Update 3

Okay, this will probably be my last update since I will probably go to bed fairly soon. If I read a lot more I may post another one tomorrow, but it is unlikely.
I have actually managed to finish 2 books and started on my 3rd.
Total books read: 2
Total pages read: 724
Books read since last update: 1 finished (Sandstone by James Rollins), I have read 22 pages of Duncton Found)
Pages read since last update: 267
Total time read: about 8 hours, forgot to time today
How I am currently feeling: Just had a bath, so I am nice and warm and definitely ready for bed. (its winter here)
Currently munching on: Just had supper - macaroni cheese, garlic bread and salad. Got some coffee and chocolate to enjoy now!
I have really enjoyed this readathon and although I didnt get as much read as I could have, I am happy with what I did. I never got to start The return of the king, was not in the mood for it. Thanks to Lisa and Stephanie for organising this!

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Sizzling summer readathon

Here is my first status update, I didnt do one last night since I didnt read much. Today has been much better although I did have a bit of running around to do.
Total books read: 1
Total pages read: 457
Books read since last update: 1 finished (Tell it to the skies by Erica James) I am about two-thirds of the way through Sandstone by James Rollins
Total time read: 5 hours 30 minutes
How I am currently feeling: COLD - it is raining and miserable so planning on having a warm bath and crawling into bed to read for the rest of the night.
Currently munching/sipping: Coffee, will be having supper soon.

Friday, 5 August 2011

Once upon a chapter Sizzling summer readathon

I have just seen this and signed up, or I hope I have signed up. My internet doesnt seem to let me want to comment at the moment! I may even have signed up 5 times, lol.Since Brenda will be going to my sisters house tomorrow and only coming back on Tuesday I thought it was the perfect weekend!
I will be starting with:
Tell it to the skies by Erica James

I hope to read: 2 books (do have a bit of other things to do)

Books I hope to read:
Tell it to the skies
Starting The Return of the King

Otherwise, I am drowing in my TBR pile, so have a lot to keep me going.


Total Books Read: N/A
Total Pages Read: N/A
Books Read Since Last Update: N/A
Pages Read since Last update: N/A
Total time read: N/A
How I'm currently feeling: Reading to start reading!
Currently munching/sipping: About to have my supper and then will start reading.

Monday, 1 August 2011

High summer readathon final update

My blog was down last night so I couldn't update. Anyway, here is my update post for the end of the readathon. My weekend was much more productive reading wise than my week and so I got quite a lot done.
Books read since last update: 3
  • New York 208 pages
  • Getting Home 338 pages
  • Bones to ashes by Kathy Reichs 464 pages
Books finished since last update: 3 (as above)
Books finished in total: 3
Pages read since last update: 1010
Pages read in total: 1498 (pity I didn't notice would have started another book, to make it 1500 lol)

I am very happy with my progress especially since that takes me up to 70/100 books for my challenge for the year! Although I do like the hectic 24 hour readathons, I also really enjoy these ones where it is longer and there is not as much pressure in it! So, thanks to Michelle for an awesome readathon! I cant wait for the next one, although it might clash with my exams.