Friday, 30 May 2008

Favourite Foto Friday # 30

This weeks theme for FFF is Pyjama Party. Couldnt find any recent photos of Brenda in her jammies, so these are oldies. First one is from when my sister was packing for her first trip, so Brenda is in her suitcase. She was about 18 months old here, and still had her beloved dummy! Next one she is about 2 years and 4 months.
This one she was nearly 3, and is with my cousins kids. One is 1 year older, and the other is 1 year younger.
Last one is her fourth birthday.


Sarah said...

Cute pics! Love seeing your girl grow!

Anonymous said...

Great pj pictures! Your daughter is so pretty!


Anonymous said...

She is SO cute in PJs! Brenda in the 2nd pic could pass as Shirley Temple...TOTALLY adorable! :)

Jennifer said...

I love that 2nd photo!! Those curls are too precious!

Marianne said...

How adorable is your little girl, she is so pretty.

Patti said...

Love those pretty blond curls! She is a cutie.


Becca said...

Oh my WORD! I've not seen any baby photos of Brenda before now. What a cutie!

Peace and Hugs,

One Busy Momma said...

I just love your daughter's 2nd year pic!!! Love those curls!!

Such a great expression on her face!!!


dddeeebbbzzz said...

Love the 'in the suitcase' photo - I have similar ones of my nephew!