Having a good week so far. Weekend was great too, but busy. On Saturday Brenda went to Taylin's birthday party. It was a music video party, basically these girls came to the house, dressed the kids up and then filmed them dancing etc. They then take this back home and turn it into a music video whichthey give back to the kids. The girls had and absolute ball and loved every minute of it. After taht we went to Spur, and then back to their house for the rugby, which of course the Springboks won, so I was a very happy bunny by the end of the night. On the way home from Spur, Brenda and another little girl who was in the car were hanging out the window screaming Lets go Bokke, Lets go! I told her she was acting drunk, lol.
On Sunday Brenda went to play with Siobhan so I had a free day, and mom and I went shopping.
Work was okay on Monday and Tuesday, but I found out a few things which really upset me, and now I think over the next few months I need to consider my future and where it lies. Tonight I went to my first meeting at my new home group. I have never been to a home group before, so it was quite scary, but I enjoyed it, so will be going back next week! Got no plans for tomorrow, but working the weekend. Need to get Brenda some sort of Halloween costume as Juliet Donkin and I are organising trick or treating on Halloween night! Brenda is thrilled as she has been nagging me since last year!