This week is the 4th bout of books readathon and I have taken part in all 4! Despite reminding myself all day I forgot to do a goals post :-( must be old age creeping up. So, I am doing this from my phone and add links tomorrow.
I plan on reading the whole week, well at lEast a little bit each day. I do have to work though, should do some studying and will be away for the weekend for my nephews christening. ThEre is a 5 hour road trip to get there so should get some reading done then.
Books I will be reading:
- Forgive and forgEt by Patricia scanlon (on pg 122)
- The fires of heaven by RobErt Jordan (on pg 181)
- Circles in the forest by Dalene Matthee
I hope to finish those and start another, not sure what yet. My TBR pile has 20 books and my sister has a house full of James Patterson and a few other authors so I won't be stuck for choice!
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