Monday, 22 February 2010

It's Monday, what are you reading?

Hosted by Sheila
I had a really busy week and so didnt get to read that much this week. And, then, to add to that, the one book I started reading I just could not get into. That is very unusual for me, because usually once I have started a book, even if I am not enjoying it that much, I still want to see what happens. That one was The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larrson. Ironically the person who recommended it told me it was the best book she had ever read! I may pick it up again in a few months and see what I think then.
Once I abandoned that I moved onto The seventh sacrament by David Hewson, which I thoroughly enjoyed and finished in under 24 hours! Now I am reading The Third Secret by Steve Berry, and then tomorrow night is my bookclub, so I will decide what to read next after I have been there.

Monday, 15 February 2010

Its Monday what are you reading this week?

Hosted by Sheila
Well, this has been my slowest reading week so far this year. I have only managed to read 2 books! HOWEVER, this does take me to 20 books so far this year, so I think that is quite good. I am a fifth of my way through the 100 books challenge.
The first book I read was Having the builders in by Reah Tannahill. Real, light easy reading and funny! One that you can pick up and put down with ease, just what I need at the moment.
The second book was the total opposite! When will there be good news? by Kate Atkinson.  I last read her books a few years ago and thoroughly enjoyed them. I enjoyed the story line on this one, I liked all the small threads and the fact that they were tied up in the end. I loved the characters, but I didnt like the way you never seemed to get anywhere with the story line until the end! All in all I enjoyed it, but I dont think it is one I would read again if that makes sense!
That is all for last week, and I have just started The girl with the dragon tattoo, cant remember the author.

Monday, 8 February 2010

Its Monday what are you reading this week?

It seems like this is the only thing I am doing with my blog at the moment. I have just been really busy, but will be back soon. You may notice a different picture for this week, that is because this meme has been taken over by Sheila
I have only managed to finish 3 books this week, although I am halfway through another one. The first one was From the Two Rivers which is the first half of the first book in the Eye of the world series (see sidebar). I have to wait for the second half to come back to the library. This is one of my two favourite series of all time. Even though this is the third time that I am reading this it still amazes me that I get new things from it each time.
The second book was Queen Camilla Years ago the Adrian mole series was so popular and I loved them all. I also read The Queen and I at this stage, but had never seen this book before. I just love that her books are so funny with no regard for what she writes, totally unbelieveable, but hilarious none the same.
Lastly I read The Charlemagne Pursuit by Steve Berry. This was my mums Christmas present and I have been dying to get my hands on it since then, and it was well worth the wait.

I am busy reading Getting the Builders in by Reah Tannahill, although I am enjoying it, I am finding it a little slow, but am enjoying it.