Monday, 21 January 2013

It's Monday what are you reading?

It has been a while since I posted in this meme, but since this year I am trying to get back to normal, I thought I would try and join in again. Basically what you do is list what you have been reading for the week and what you are planning on reading in the coming week. It is a great way to meet new bloggers and get more book ideas. (As if I needed any more, lol)

Over the last week I read:
  1. NYPD Red by James Patterson
  2. Duncton Stone by William Horwood
I havent read James Patterson for a while, but since the beginning of the year I have read a few more. I was starting to get a bit tired of Alex Cross, so it is nice that there some more variety now. NYPD Red I must say is one of my favourites. Duncton Stone is part of the Duncton series which I am just finishing up now for about the 4th time. I love this series, such a pity it is out of print. I am about a quarter of the way through and need to get a move on since it is not even the end of January and I am already falling behind on my hundred books challenge!
Click on the picture for more book sharing.

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Bout of books day 4 & 5

Totally forgot to blog on Thursday and Friday and I am not sure why. I was quite busy, but did get online for short amounts of time. I did however get some time to read and have managed to finish a 2nd book.

Progress for Day 4 & 5:
Pages read today: 312 (Summer Madness)

Pages read from start: 926
Books read today: 1 (Summer Madness)

Books finished today: 1
Books finished from start: 1

  • Now you see her by James Patterson.
  • Summer madness by Cathy Lewis.
I hope you all have a good weekend with lots of time to read.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Bout of books update Day 2 + 3

Ok, day 2 has come and gone, and actually went relatively well. I made a bit of time to read. Might have helped that it is just WAY too hot to go outside.

Progress for day 2:
Pages read today: 318
Pages read from start: 455
Books read today: 2 (Now you see her 247 pages, Duncton stone 71 pages)
Books finished today: 1 (Now you see her)
Books finished from start: 1
  • Now you see her by James Patterson.

Progress for Day 3:
Didnt get as much time to read today, but I am getting there slowly!

Pages read today: 159 (Summer Madness)
Pages read from start: 614
Books read today: 1 (Summer Madness)
Books finished today: 0
Books finished from start: 1
  • Now you see her by James Patterson.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Bout of books updates Day 1

So the first day of the readathon is over and I have done okay. Not great but okay. I started off with Now you see her by James Patterson and am thoroughly enjoying it. I hope to finish it on day 2!

Progress for day 1:
Pages read today: 137
Books read today: 1 (Now you see her)
Books finished today: 0

I am working from home until Friday, so may get a bit more chance to read although I am not counting on it, since I have a lot to do.

I hope everyone is enjoying the readathon.

Monday, 7 January 2013

Bout of books 6.0 starting post and goals.

I signed up for this readathon last year thinking it will give me a bit of a boost starting off my 2013 reading goals. Unfortunately I didn't factor in that it would be my first day back at work following my 3 week holiday. Anyway, I am going to try and get as much reading done as possible inbetween the work!
Since I have been back from my holiday for less than 24 hours and worked a full day in that time, I dont have a proper TBR pile and definitely no picture as yet. However, my goals are as follows:
  • I want to read at least 2, preferably 3 books, namely:
  • Now you see her by James Patterson
  • Blue Horizon by Wilbur Smith
  • Will decide about the other.
If you would like to join the readathon pop over to Bout of Books blog.

Sunday, 6 January 2013

100 books in a year

Last year I didn't do too well at this challenge. Only got to 80 books. However, I am back again this year and challenging myself to read 100 books in 2013. I am hoping to have a quieter year at work and so be able to devote more time to reading. If you would like to join the challenge pop over here to Book Chick City.
1. Falling for you by Jill Mansell
2. The asking price by Caroline Upcher
3. The postcard killers by James Patterson and Lisa Markund